A Thanksgiving Head Start

The busiest cooking time of the year is just a week away. Is your kitchen ready for the job? We've found Thanksgiving to be easiest when we complete the following preparatory steps.
1. Clean out your fridge. You'll want room for all of those leftovers so throw out all that old takeout and expired items.
2. Clean your counters. Before cooking, wipe down all counters, counter-height shelves and windowsills, stools, and islands with water, and then with a mild kitchen spray. You’ll thank yourself later.
3. Wash the specialty dishes. Pull out the pie pans and the roasting pan and give them a quick scrub before the big day.
4. Clean your oven. (but don't self-clean). Ignore that urge to just press the self-clean button on your oven in the days before Thanksgiving. The process is har on your oven and could burn out the heating element or cause other damage, leaving you with a broken oven for the big day. We suggest using baking soda, vinegar and some elbow grease to get your oven cleaned instead.